Swim Smarter not Harder

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Swimming Help For Level 2 - Beginner

When you become more comfortable in the water, it is time to start working on your stroke and learn how to best utilize certain swim equipment such as the swimmer's snorkel. The "Level 2 - Beginner" swim tips will help you understand for example: how your body should move in the water, what pitfalls to look out for, or what makes you swim faster. Start reading and watching then take your newly acquired swimming knowledge with you to the pool.
Legs Of Steel (Keep Your Legs From Sinking During Freestyle Or While Floating) - Swimming Advice

This is an additional post on proper head position while swimming freestyle. I know you might be tired of hearing the words "put your head down" while you swim, however, believe me, if I tell you, this is the building block of your swimming. Without the proper head position, your stroke wi...

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Your Body As A Tree Log (Correct Head Position During Swimming) - Swimming Advice

If you have gotten this far, you have seen the light and are serious about improving your swimming, so let's get started. There are many schools of thought regarding teaching swimming, some rely on repetitive swimming a lot of kilometers or miles to improve, some swear against it and focus only...

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How To Swim Faster Easier? (Learning To Streamline Your Body) - Swimming Advice

The simple answer is "by learn to swim slow with a correct technique". This, in turn, reduces your body's drag and increases your propulsion force. Swimming slower rather than faster is a bit against common sense, however, it is the way to go trust me. It is actually the hardest thing you w...

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Should I Wear a Swim Cap? (How To Choose a Swim Cap?) - Swimming Advice

To answer the question if you should wear a swim cap, let's first think about why you are swimming and to what purpose would the cap be to you. So why do you swim? If you are out there stroking from one side of the pool to the other for fun or a wonderful exercise and you have short hair, buying...

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What's Your Swim Type? (Custom Tailored Swim Classes) - Swimming Advice

The guys over at SwimSmooth have done it again. After introducing us to the Wetronome (tech gadget to help you with your stroke rate)and Mr. Smooth (an application to show you how swimming is done from all angle at all speeds), SwimSmooth has now produced SwimTypes.com. SwimSmooth's swim...

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How To Learn Arm Movement During Freestyle Swimming? - Swimming Advice

Based on your comments from the blog and the poll, it looks like you are requesting some information and guidance on how to move your arms during the freestyle stroke. So, here we go. Freestyle is what you would call an asymmetric swimming style. Well, asymmetric is a strong word, but almost....

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Want To Swim Smooth? Check Out Mr. Smooth - The Perfect Swimming Mentor - Swimming Advice

Have you ever thought to yourself I can't seem to grasp the way my arm should move under water when I swim how should my legs move when I swim freestyle I wish there was a way to see someone swim slow motion I'd like to see how it looks from a different angle in order to understand. ...

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Top 10 Things To Consider When Buying Swimming Goggles - Swimming Advice

Swimmers usually use three pieces of equipment: swimsuit, swim cap and swim goggles. So what is it that you need to know or explore when buying swim goggles, so you are satisfied with your purchase? Here are the top things to look for or think about before you make the deal: 1.) What are ...

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Early Vertical Forearm Explained (Learn To Catch Water In Your Freestyle Stroke With High Elbow) - Swimming Advice

It looks like that the most requested topic in the last poll on the Swimator blog is about freestyle. Well, let me talk to you about how to get the most power out of your stroke. After you learn how to properly hold your body in the water and relax you can move on to starting to use your a...

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Swim Products That Will Make You A Better Swimmer - Swimming Advice

Today, I have three pieces of swim equipment that I promise will help you improve your technique. You can achieve the elusive smooth stroke we all long for, however, sometimes you just need a little bit of help along the way. I find these swim products quite helpful, so wanted to share them wit...

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Body Balance And Swimming (Head Lead Body Rotation Drill) - Swimming Advice

The head lead body rotation drill is the foundation of a successful swimming stroke. If you do not spend enough time on this step or if you skip it entirely, you will regret it later on as you will struggle to improve. Got your attention? Yes? Very good. To reiterate, a proper body balance i...

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Butterfrog Extreme (The Old School Butterfly Stroke) - Swimming Advice

If you have ever wondered how you can combine butterfly and breaststroke, here is your answer :). In fact, this is an old school stroke that used to be popular a long time ago and is still used by some older masters swimmers. I would not recommend anyone using this in a competition, however...

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