Online Swim Lessons - Teach yourself how to swim

Novice Level 1

Non-swimmers with fear of water, very limited or no water confidence. Goal is to improve confidence and self-reliance in the water and swimming and learn to relax and enjoy being in water. The course provides instructions in basic water skills: exit/entry, floating, breathing, submersion and survival techniques.

Some helpful tips to make your water experience more enjoyable: how to choose the right swimming goggles and when to wear a swimming cap.

Beginner Level 2

Eager individuals who would like to learn the basics of swimming. You might be just starting out or you might be a seasoned lap swimmer, in either case, you will learn the correct swim technique fundamentals to make your swimming enjoyable and fun.The goal is to teach you to swim efficiently and with ease. The course provides instructions in basic swimming skills: head and body position, breathing, hip rotation, arm movements.

Helpful tips to keep you on the right track: should I use hand paddles?, how to breathe through swimmer's snorkel, and what is bilateral breathing and what it is not.

Intermediate Level 3

Advanced Level 4
