Swim Smarter not Harder

Put your phone down and go swimming!

Swimming Help For Misc

Swimming, Bilingualism and Perfect Stroke - Swimming Advice

Globalization of our world is increasingly becoming the standard, so there is no wonder that efforts to raise bilingual children are nowadays close to being a norm (or they should be). Did you know though that learning a second language as a child gives you an unprecedented advantage over the res...

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Do You Have The Right Swimming Mojo? (Blending Into The Swimming Community) - Swimming Advice

There is no question about it, each specific niche community, be it formed around a sport such as swimming, arts or other hobbies, has its own code of conduct and non-written rules that the insiders follow and the outsiders trying to get in stick out like a sore thumb if they are not aware of thes...

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History And Evolution Of Swimming - Swimming Advice

Human beings are not built to live in water like the many species of fish in our deep blue oceans. Despite that fact, taking the journey to learn to swim has become a necessary skill for many people in today's world. Since you are reading this post, you should applaud yourself, as you are a sma...

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How To Get A Swimming Scholarship In USA? (Higher Education And Top Swimming Combined) - Swimming Advice

Learning to swim at an early age can have many more advantages than just mastering necessary water survival skills. It could, for example, lead to a longer-term swimming career which will affect the swimmer's life even if he or she does not plan on it. Sure, not everyone will be in the Olympic...

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